I had always heard this term and never really believed it. What would stop you from writing... If you like it , you just do. The ideas would flow and things would just present itself out on paper. I never had considered I did have a regular blog ever. I mean I thought one should, would and could write whenever he/she really felt like. I dismissed as blashphemous those claims about I get stuck when I wanna write. That is; till this phenom actually struck me.
It was a given that I would write about any and every thing under the sun that really caught my attention. It may be something that I loved or hated or was quite neutral about. And; mind you it all was flowing very naturally. Maintaining a blog, sharing my thoughts, ideas and my life was all so normal. If there ever was a "Writers Block" it was damn too scared of me....
But I was in a merry world of my own... Lurkign around the corner; it was about to bite me and get me hard. Around October things started happening (quite albeit for the worse). My firm blocked orkut and blogspot and chained my ideas for a while. By the time they were restored I had lost a bit of my zest to scratch my brains and pen them out.
But I had a solemn hope. Life was springing up new things daily and I was sure I shall cxapture it as nicely as I can. Personally, I was entering a new phase of life... I can write about that. India was turning a new leaf around in the T20 world cup.. maybe capture different aspects of that... My job was getting more streamlined and I could keep blabbering about it... Diwali and Christmas were around the corner.. Definitely the time to let your juices flow. Go back to your childhood and paint those vivid canvases once again... But nothing..nothing at alll .. I just couldnt motivate myself to write
I would think of ideas and dissemble them saying " Maybe next time.." There seemingly never was a next time...
The new year approached and I revisited my resolution that I did write atleast one substantial blog every month if not bi-weekly but then like most resolutions this one never saw the light of the day. Broken and shattered in the first month itself... I loveeeeeee sports but no news in it; big or small was makign me write anything... I felt helpless because words had deserted me (They still have and trust me I am clawing something out here)...
I was scaring myself... I felt my 40-50 blogs till date had just been a dream run that did never be repeated. I was a mute observer and remain so all my life. Scary but True
I was exhorting myself to write about something. CUrrent affairs, the Bhutto assasination, but the effort showed up as zilch in the results table, ie till today..
February dawned and with it a fragnrance of Valentines...smeared in parts with venom being spewn by the irrational Raj Thakre. I knew I had to write... and I did... I wrote today,, well nothing about events that mattered but I somehow wrote a few lines
I m happy tht there is hope for the writer/blogger in me to survive. As they say..Hope Floats...
I say Amen to that..
Wish you a peaceful lovable Valentines day