Yea Ok me cramped and realized I am not cut out for active sport. But I competed.. hung in there till I could and generally felt like a winner...
That my friends were the winners in the cricket tourney (albeit defeating us) was a great cheer too..
And then this....

The man of the series got a personally autographed bat from Rahul Dravid... no less... me serious.. no kiddin and chek me holding on to it dreamily in that red teee.... Wow .. felt good..
Its all good....
no before any of u may feel like askin... i wasnt the man of the series.. i jus held the bat for tht snap...
teehee...U r smart, as I was about to ask tht!
amhala autpgraph tar disatach nahi ahe!!
hey did rahul signed the bat himself...
are you serious on this..
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