Friday, October 12, 2007
The Gentle Giant sleeps... Bye INZY
Needing only 6 runs to take over Javed as Pak team's highest run-scorer, he faltered getting out on only 3. However, even in this he was quite Bradmensque. Inzy has always been my cricketing idol (after Sachin and Lara ofcourse); mainly due to his similarity to me in shape and the way he played his cricket.
Coming from a land where extra visible aggro has always been the norm; Inzy was always gentle in the field and equally opposite in his steely resolve at the crease. Never one to bother running; he has legions of records regarding run-outs. But one thing that has always stood out for me is the time he has to play his shots.
Also his quiet determination to be there till the end makes him an extra special cricketer. I do not want to focus on the non-cricketing aspects of his life and/or his performance as a captain; I firmly believe he would never measure up on those two counts bcos he just didnt have the persona to handle such aggressive positions.
I had a tear when Pak departed in the WC, more so as he retired from the ODI game and today as he walked back one last time; I felt the same. I didnt see the moment but it felt bad reading the score on Cricinfo, nevertheless...
I hope we see his batting exhibitions a lot in those golden knocks et al, cos he truly was a master artisan and it would need special talent to recreate one again.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Euphoria and Heartbreak
Though I was called the Love Guru; I didn't get to play cupid for any of friends or something. I played this part in my company skit. Its been a week of doing outrageous stuff and if you know me; you would realize thats just the right dose for me to keep going.
It started off very innocuously- small brain storming session to arrive at an idea of a skit for propagating six sigma. How it so transpired that I be the central character is thanks to this habit- yes, of writing... I wrote the part and fantastically enough, got to play the part since I probably wrote it.
What followed was something I had never expected. We actually worked harder than mad to set this 7 minute skit up and etched out roles and dialogs for all and labored on just the right looks and tones and movement. Wow- we almost conducted a self-monitored acting workshop. Soma was awesome in her thoughts and Dhiraj helped us with the music a lot... Rashmi is a bundle of energy. I secretly feel she is on some drug called "LIFE". Samitha and Henry were hustled into agreeing and Shivani became a great partner en route. Boman displayed some awe-inspiring confidence and it triggered some in me. Sheela like always got it all together and it was fab.
Monday was the D day and we gave a kickass performance. But the real fun day was Sunday. I spent more hrs at office that day doing actual work. It was exhilarating the way ideas flew around and improvisations were woven in. By Monday we however didnt even have a decent practice with all of us on stage at same time... Still the final performance was liked by one and all... We were told that we did get a chance to perform on Wednesday to display our talents....We were overjoyed; almost delirious and we vowed that we shall wow everyone....
That was not to be....
Wednesday came with lots of butterflies and aspirations. We knew we were good and we had made it better with better costumes and newer ideas. Just wanted to execute it as awesomely as we could. We knew the time lines and evrything was set. Thats when the huge crushing bomb fell. Mid-way through the total of 5 skits; the senseless dimwit disguised as the organiser of the event got up and announced the results. We were devastated. The whole thing was a sham and we were almost in tears. However., thanks to the great bunch that were me TEAM we put on a show that would most definitely be worthy of highest acclaim. Even after knowing the bitter reality of the results, we all went on stage. It was one of the most defining acts of bravery I have witnessed and I most definitely am proud of these bunch of friends I have made. We proved we would never lose heart no matter how bad things shall get.
To U my friends, MUAHHHHHHHHHHH. U were all awesome.
We during our skit

Sweet September
What an amazing win.... No thriller in recent memory has been racier and more intriguing... look at the crescendo... Opponents were flayed and grounded to dust in increasing order to their importance. First was England with the super sexy sixer mania exhibited by Yuvi to avenge the recent ODI defeat. Then evaporating all that South African guroor of their superiority to vapor with such amazing audacity that we knocked them out completely... Next shredding Aussie bravado to tatters (though it surely must have fired them for the ODIs; but I don't mind foregoing this series (I hope and pray we win) to be called first ever champions of T20 world cup). What amazing grit and gumption to be showed by this bunch of virtual unknowns (Rohit Sharma, joginder ) and back to fight for glory stars (Irfan, Bhajji, Sehwag etc)....
TO top it we get to play Pakistan; make an abysmal score and fight like lions to pull it back only to hand it back to them and finally win when the spectators almost suffered a stroke.. Cant get sweeter... The happiness splashed all across the country from corner to corner and final culmination of euphoria with the reception accorded to the team at Bombay just about makes this one of most favorite FAIRY tales till date- albeit slightly different cos this one had only Knights and no Princesses.
I dont mind and am sure neither would most of you that read this....
Waiting with bated breath for the Aussie mania to pan out; followed by the Pakis.. I say- Bring it on........
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Ab main bilkul budda hoon
I am staring at 30. Ok, not mentally but still. For a moment I can’t believe it is true. However, each seemingly harmless but vicious “Birthday bump” is reminding me with great alacrity that “Times running, nay flying, probably zooming and your sell-by date is almost up.”
I look back… didn’t see anything noteworthy and turned around again. Didn’t see anything particularly bright lying ahead and went into a virtual trance. Birthdays never made me over joyous and particularly so when someone else was happier than me that I was born.
By this time, sumptuous portions of a wonderful cake had been wasted on my half-smiling, half-quizzical face; supposedly to decorate it. Electronic gadgetry had been put to good use to capture this paddle-back to primitivism and embarrass me later.
Roomies wished me and all turned back to their beds. As I lay pondering, I realized it is us that accords meanings to actions. Normally someone kicking me would have been subject to a similar fate at my hands but here I was smiling, somehow avoiding those brutal swaggers. I hardly ever waste food; sometimes even lick stuff of the table and here I was letting a whole big cake slice being wasted completely. I viewed the entire thing in a different light as I knew it was a friendly act. There was immense warmth in the barbaric nature of the celebrations. I guess this is how animals evolve. They realize what’s good for them. I guess that’s why something as gory as hunting suggests immense love of the female tiger for her cub.
I guess… some things don’t have rationale. They are accepted as part of their tokenism, however misplaced it might be. I guess that’s why every little step we depict by actions such as opening of the pass to Pakistan, buying global steel firms, signing the 123 deal and so on and so forth, even though symbolic suggests a far superior self-confident nation. India, widely tipped to be a disaster has not only avoided the gore of its formation but has handsomely carved out a place of eminence in the golbal spectrum today. WE matter, as a country and as individuals.
I am glad I am approaching half the age of India. I would be thrilled if I turn out half as mature and self-confident an individual as my motherland is.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
What do I blog?
I am sure there are things like chance which we would never decipher. Anything at the extreme ends of happiness or sadness get linked up to fate and FATE being what it is is never explained. It can be a momentous decision (like electing to bowl in world cup final in 03) or catching the wrong train (11/07/06- bombay blasts).... The ones who survive say it ws good fate; the ones that didnt make it I am sure would have attributed the decision to bad fate, notwithstanding that this was probably the train they caught evryday.
Anyways, coming back to what I wanted to talk about, I had made it a point that I did blog atleast once a month no matter what.... June was the first time I defaulted.... Bad fate you see... But, no really, what do I blog about? The eternal dilemma finally caught up with me... Their were things too personal to blog about or too inconspicous.. add to it that I was starting at my new job and Summing it up, no time to write anything...
The few moments that I did open my blog page and wished to pen down a few lines; I was caught up with the "I have so many thots but I dont know how to put it on paper" syndrome. Thats when I realized; the brains thinks analyzes and deciphers meaning far too fast for the fingers to assimilate and type or write out. Its not a coincidence that writers prefer serenity to pen down their works...
Normalcy(orderliness of the world) begets poor writing....Writing is lyrical and fantasy laden... Its a platform for thoughts to peter out, splatter out, gush out or cause a deluge.... Blogging is a via media for non-writers (like me) to express thoughts that stay with my reality but cannot always be presented.
Advice to fellow readers and/or folks that dont blog cause it wouldnt be good- it isnt supposed to be... This aint a breeding ground for writing rather its a dumping facility for expressions.. So let it roll out.. let the world hear what you think...dont bother about the quality of prose or the concept.. There is randomness in thought and this is an Outlet......
Friday, June 01, 2007
A Chapter closes...
This is exactly how I feel right now:
Tears, a few, today shall flow
Some in happiness, some in sorrow
Memories shall haunt at the end of this chapter
Dreams surround for the life therafter
Let me raise a toast for a better tomorrow.
I close my eyes... I walk through the office in my mind... I soak in all my jumbles, fumbles and glories and then I say... GOOD BYE....
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Happy Mothers Day
Moms are special.. we know that and I am guessing to an extent they know it as well. Or else they wouldnt have known the exact times when to throw in that emotional blackmailing lines such as "Dont you wanna study hard and make your momma proud of you OR Yeah, I am only your mom na and why would I care OR I just wanna see my grandkids face before I see HIM (thats dreadful if u r the elder child) OR Have I raised you for this day" and many more.
But this isnt what makes them special. They are special because they mean all of the above said things and if you glance closely you would notice that even their selfishness harbors on them striving for whats best for their kids (According to them).
Motherly love is actually very simple yet most complex. Its sublimely clear yet undecipherable. They want their kids to get married but are always skeptical that the new member would have a share on their baby too. They want kiddos to spread their wings and fly away but all so sure that a bird thats left its nest would probably come back and they cry about that when all alone. They are stronger than the average sustainace in humans would let us believe.
They are the more heart broken than the kids upon their failure and more ecstatic on successes. I singularly am sure that most kids at some point of time or most of the time are in awe of their mom. Moms are creative and supportive of the child's dream than their dads (i feel the patriachal/male-dominated set-up may have led to this as the moms so many unfulfilled desires are colored by the childs finger brush....)
Mother- As a infant you feed on her, as a kid you hope that she makes things fun for you, as a teenager she forms a shield for you against everyones expectations, as a youngster she wants to give you wings to fly and soar for your dreams, as a young professional she wants you to be well settled in life, as a mature person she wants to be known as your mom, as an adult she wants to be playmaker to your kids and then she wants to soar away quietly...
She wants so many things and each of her want and need just strive to make you better....
I havent ever seen such a beautiful equation in math where selfishness = selflessness so brilliantly that Life actually is worth Living.
In Marathi theres a poem that says " Swami tinhi jagancha aaivina bhikari" (God/ master of the universe is nothing but a beggar without a mom). Now I dont know if there did be God but I so know he would definitely be a beggar without a Mom to guide him through.
I probably would never tell my mom how much she means to me; but then again thats so typical of us kids... We assume she knows it because she is a mom afterall...
In passing, If every day was a Mothers day, we would never have witnessed a war cos for a mom everyone is her kid and moms dont differentiate amongst kids...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
That could have been me...
Suddenly, every other proceeding seemed unnecessary. The first thought swerved to my friends studying there and praying tht they be alright. The very next moment I was gripped by this huge catastrophic feeling.. At a slightly different time (circa 2002) and maybe a lil different place (Gainesville) and that bullet could have been for me.
Is my life that cheap... anyone can walk in and shoot me cold? Is anyone's life that meaningless? What are we achieving with advances in science and technology if we give equal access to thugs and criminals? Is this progress good then? Was this a one-off, randomised case of pyschotic behavior prevading society or have we turned the clock on humanity?
The more I thought of it.. the more shattering the answers were. I felt this was just one of the terrible manifestations of convulted value streams we are drawing upon. The reflections are there everywhere... Only when they leave an impression do we consider that the sanctimony to be shattered.
I see road rage daily... everyday the drivers veer off showing their strength and supremacy while alluding to knock anyone and evryone in their way; But it gets highlighted only when a super rich brat tramples innocent roadside dwellers. Violence is encouraged heartily through video games and wrestling entertainment; but it makes dreadful reading only when students procure guns and go on a rampage. Rock and hard rock is celebrated till a Kurt Kobain dies only to be enshrined for all he meant; drugs and death.
We abuse evry freaking right we have been mandated to exercise only to shoot the gun over someone else shoulders saying " Him and not me is breaking the limits".. not realising we are pushing ourseleves to a collective pitfall.. Every one is gonna fall; if not today then some day for sure...
Sad is the fact that by the end of the shooting 33 innocents were dead, sadder is the part that we would just move on with lives taking this to be a blip on the Human advancement radar but saddest is the part that not many of us would introspect to find the deadly creature growing in each of us in this jingo-heavy value-less world...
Rejoice we would that thankfully, it wasnt us.... Repent we should that this wasnt the last.....
And some day.. It could be you or me......
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Of defeat....and the HURT
I confess I am hurt. Hurt that my favorites are not there anymore; hurt that ICC followed one ridiculous format to eliminate teams; hurt that Woolmers no more; hurt that its just not gonna b fun with the big guys gone so early and hurt that this may not be the last time.
OK... now that I mention what has hurt me... I shall reason out a few of the wrongs that I feel could be righted and also comment on the general state of the game in India...
The tournament format...
It tried to ape the Soccer cup format but clearly missed out on the Fact that even Team # 8 and 9; pray they land in the same group... have a cushion of playing someone atleast 8 ranks below them and beyond... Also competition in the soccer qualifiers is more evenly matched and teams have an idea what they are heading towards...
My format :
Have 15 teams in groups of 3 ; so each group has three test playing nations... Have two rounds each and select top 2 teams from each grp and then (3 match round robin to select two teams from the third ranked teams)... this way teams like Bermuda and Ireland and Holland play 3 test playign nations twice getting better exposure and teams like India and Pakistan get a chance at redemption if there is a slip-up... At the end we have 8 teams left (top 2 from ech group and two of the three third ranked teams). Then have a good old knock-out quarters semis and finals...
This gives slightly weaker teams at another shot to topple stronger teams like SA and Aus (one more knockout match, u see)... What we get at the end of this is a real champion who has played 11-13 matches against quality opposition... facing more chances at elimination... Sounds fair, eh???
That said and done; what transpired and followed after Paks defeat to Ireland is unacceptable. I strongly protest the killing of Woolmer. Games and sports, at the end of the day, are just that. If betting has gotten so big as to claim a coach's life then authorites need to wake up and take immediate action. I watch evry sport for the love of the game and I cannot digest that what I saw was all set up by the betting mafia. Totally untolerable, despicable crap...
Now the thing that hurt the most... This wasnt an under-talented Indian team going for the jugular. This probably was one of the strongest team in the past few years. SLightly cocky and arrogant but really good. Then what happened?
Well for starters they took Bangaladesh for granted... big mistake.. teams have reached the WC on basis of thr talent... Secodn mistake was the apparent lack of team spirit aided handsomely by the lack of motivation and zero game planning... As if this wasnt enuff of a recipe for disaster, we picked teams totally cluelessly with no focus on result driven tactics... No wonder we crashed out... Even if we had followed my suggested format it would have been a tough time getting to knock-out stage... Let be...
Now what hurt me the most.... The players didnt really seem hurt.. what thr face reflected ws unhappiness... The passion to perform was totally missin and the warmth of the advertising money was an able comforter in this disastrous tornado of losses... I hope I read it wrong cos if I didnt then we are virtually staring at a talent pool totally wasted by the excess of comfort provided without deservance....
Till I see some fire in this team again... I shall stay ashamed and disgusted about these folks.
Friday, March 09, 2007
World cup' 07....
As much I hate to admit, I am glued to it 24/7 and no other games lights my fire like this one. I spend mundane hours watching cricket though only a part of it is really crazy exciting. I guess the personalities in the game make me watch it. Thats the only reason I have come up with so far and though I know its kinda lame... so what....Every mother in the world feels her kid is the best, dont they?
Well so how do I rate India's chances? If u ask me; I would say We are gonna win. Do i Believe this.. Honestly, my heart does but my brain says it wud be NZ crashing surprises all over.
As for the money end of it; If I know you personally and you wanna throw in your hat for any other final (my say is India-NZ); feel free to drop me a call and we can discuss the tabs.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunday well spent
That my friends were the winners in the cricket tourney (albeit defeating us) was a great cheer too..
And then this....

Its all good....
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Racism... R U kiddin me????
Whats happening... In a world so biased and so very quick to pounce on any slip-up of any variety why the hell is media playing the role of an un-needed moral police that hypes any celebrity sneeze into a national catastrophe of epidemic proportions? Every sort of celebrity, real or otherwise, is subjected to this intimidating scrutiny based on the sole purpose that they would slip once in a while. And; humane that they are, they actually do. But are we then as aware, alert global citizens really supposed to condemn them to public hatred of the highest disregard?
What got me ticked is this recent issue regarding Gibbs, regardign Shilpa Shetty, Regarding Dean Jones and all and sundry. I agree Dean Jones was at fault but what about Gibbs. Here is a guy getting racial crap from spectators, gets agitated and blurts out something inapporpriate to his team-mates unfortunately picked by the stump mike. Now, cross your hearts and tell me that never once has anyone of you blurted out racially provocative statements in the heat of the moment... never ever has any north-south-east-west indian comparison passed your lips... never ever have you wondered the stupidity behind racially charged words or phrases used in the USA or pittied the corruption levels in countries you look down upon.
We humans are biased towards a lot of things; caste, class , creed, religion, gender, race and what not. Not that it is a nice thing to do but we all indulge it as some level or another. Honestly, it should be condemned and the guilty reprimanded. However, alert citizens that we claim to be; should take things in proper prespective. Media is tryin to convert any and evry tit-bit into a circus and we shouldn't be mere spectators. Raising the voice is a right and we need to exercise , lest we convert our very own power tool (media) into an all-engulfing inferno.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Today, I am nostalgic. I dont want to go back to my friends and tell them about my day. I wanna ponder about old times... Times when the only weight I carried was my own and not my worries. Times when black coffee was as important as blood in my life-line, when getting 37 to touch grace marks mattered more than the GDP growth rate.
It was triggered off by that awesomely historic Monday. My school, The University of Florida created history. We became the only school to win both NCAA basketball and BCS championship in same academic year and that too in routs. We kicked some big time ass and we were basking in that glory. The whole week after has been orange and blue...
Friends in orkut, sports website all remind me of that proud fact.. I am a Gator alumni...I have decked my home page, desktop evrything in memorabilia.... But more than the games and the sports culture, I am reliving the moments spent sipping beer watching Gators bite dust against Miami or the job shifts in preparation of those games.. Times have passed and memories are fading...
But then someday, Magical Mondays happen and they spread fragrance all over your cobwebed memoirs....