Thursday, January 18, 2007

Racism... R U kiddin me????

I have idli-wada every day of the week, well almost, and crib that south indian food sucks every fourth day or so. I can assure you that every Indian staying away from his home cribs more or less in a similar vein whenever s/he is reminded of " Ma ke Haath ka Khana". Are we racially irresponsible? Do we disregard the cultural and culinary heritage of different places?

Whats happening... In a world so biased and so very quick to pounce on any slip-up of any variety why the hell is media playing the role of an un-needed moral police that hypes any celebrity sneeze into a national catastrophe of epidemic proportions? Every sort of celebrity, real or otherwise, is subjected to this intimidating scrutiny based on the sole purpose that they would slip once in a while. And; humane that they are, they actually do. But are we then as aware, alert global citizens really supposed to condemn them to public hatred of the highest disregard?

What got me ticked is this recent issue regarding Gibbs, regardign Shilpa Shetty, Regarding Dean Jones and all and sundry. I agree Dean Jones was at fault but what about Gibbs. Here is a guy getting racial crap from spectators, gets agitated and blurts out something inapporpriate to his team-mates unfortunately picked by the stump mike. Now, cross your hearts and tell me that never once has anyone of you blurted out racially provocative statements in the heat of the moment... never ever has any north-south-east-west indian comparison passed your lips... never ever have you wondered the stupidity behind racially charged words or phrases used in the USA or pittied the corruption levels in countries you look down upon.

We humans are biased towards a lot of things; caste, class , creed, religion, gender, race and what not. Not that it is a nice thing to do but we all indulge it as some level or another. Honestly, it should be condemned and the guilty reprimanded. However, alert citizens that we claim to be; should take things in proper prespective. Media is tryin to convert any and evry tit-bit into a circus and we shouldn't be mere spectators. Raising the voice is a right and we need to exercise , lest we convert our very own power tool (media) into an all-engulfing inferno.


tear said...

i agree society is based on distinctions of differant kinds and we all have done the discrimination or a comparison time and again and the media really is going overboard it happens in colleges in schools at work so just because a certain celebrity is involved the issue is exaggerated. And corrrect me if i am wrong its this what reality TV is all about!!!

Chaitu.. said...

yea, racism occurs a lot.. everyone does it.. but at the sametime, whatever may their reson be, media does help reduce it... even if we do discriminate quite much.. the amount and intensity of it has decreased a lot.. and, it indeed is decreasing...
Reality series and the media hype does sometime help :-)

Sir Confusius The Confused said...

there is no ideal utopia where everyone is the stop people from distinguishing one from the other we have to become just like another...lose our in a world of black and white monochromes..boring i say..a little bit of banter cannot be considered to be blasphemous..we are commnly using terms like phirangs and chinks...people call me a bong for god sake...a bong...the jamaicans smoke pot in that...but then a line is at times gets it right and most of the time over hypes it...but what can we do...its a nessasary evil...ut shilpa's useless sympathy hogging days are up the marriage video of abhi-ash...from mandap to the khatiya...full on coverage sponsored by india tv...