Friday, March 09, 2007

World cup' 07....

Yea try as hard as I may; it just doesnt seem to die down... Evry four years, this mega crazy event drops in and I am bowled over by the prospect of my team being crowned World champs or atleast the dream that lasts for that time frame....

As much I hate to admit, I am glued to it 24/7 and no other games lights my fire like this one. I spend mundane hours watching cricket though only a part of it is really crazy exciting. I guess the personalities in the game make me watch it. Thats the only reason I have come up with so far and though I know its kinda lame... so what....Every mother in the world feels her kid is the best, dont they?

Well so how do I rate India's chances? If u ask me; I would say We are gonna win. Do i Believe this.. Honestly, my heart does but my brain says it wud be NZ crashing surprises all over.

As for the money end of it; If I know you personally and you wanna throw in your hat for any other final (my say is India-NZ); feel free to drop me a call and we can discuss the tabs.


Ashima said...

hey tehere,
U better tell your brain to stop acting like a jerk and just concentrate on ur heart...I cheer for India and most definately we will win....As for the tabs of the bet....U shal have to treat me for movie and popcorn.....So just check out the movie releases in April end...becasue "JEEt Jayenge HUm"

Shaloo @ Pallavanjali said...

howz THAT for loyalty--to ppl who scrap ? even though i am not much of a criket fan((though i am a HUGE indian fan!!--does that make sense?)) i read the blog !! and replied !!!

Shaloo @ Pallavanjali said...

and just for the record, i like wish list NO 6 ((hence proven--i read everything))

Shreyas said...

sorrry.. not accepting bets any more.. thanks to the awesome performance of my beloved team...