Most days of our lives start the very same way that the rest of it has; and yet, somewhere.. deep gets this feeling that today aint like those "Any other day". As I woke up today, everything seemed to be in its place yet I felt a strange pull. Things were in their usual place and chores were taking place with their mundane certainity. But I had a premonition that the day wudnt pass me by without a few twists.
It wasnt as if the signs werent there. The water hadnt heated up and one had to make due to with a few splashes of cold, torturous water over the body. I had missed my regular bus and the next one wasnt due for another half hour. I was unprepared for the meeting and suddenly I got the eerie feeling that it would be a while before I was gonna be done with it.
With all these forebearings, I started my laptop... Strangely, nothing unusual happenings took place... Was it my imagination? Why was I doing this make-believe stuff when all was really very normal... Maybe the work pressures making me a bit paranoid.. I assured my self and logged into my messenger...
This is when it happened... My best friend( in our group of 5) pinged me... a bit mad at me for not tryin to keep in touch... Only yesterday had I come back after meeting one more from the group. I had called one more staying in some obscure part of India and gotten to know abt his well being.... Even the last one; I had tried to hunt him down after he had gone missin in his job in the US as being some secret CIA agent... But my best buddy.. well HIM.. I had totally forgotten..
Now it all came back to me. The signs were there. Only I was too myoscopic to see rason behind them... Life was passing me by... I was losing track of my footsteps in my search for bigger, better lifestyle and the shadow was covering not just my eyes but my mind too... The warmth of the money was developing me into a heartless, cold-shouldered individual whose only friends were soon gonna b his own idiosyncracies and haugtiness.
But then, I do ask you.... Isnt this true in some ways for all of us? Arent we all being slightly sidetracked from our paths blinded by this quest for personal glory? Is the price worth paying?
What is the sum-total of these Individualistic lifestyles we are constantly seekin to imbibe?
Should we just let LIFE pass US by......
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