To what extent are we vulnerable to becoming the next harassment victims to these N number of callers who want you to apply for their credit cards cos its free for a lifetime? Are we really living in a free country where evry minute detail of yours is already sifting through multiple hands with yourself not even being aware of all the pertinent dangers attached to it....??
This awareness struck with the force of lightning wave the other day when my sweet Saturday rendevouz with sleep was disturbed by the constant flurry of beeps from my Mobile indicating that I have received some 8 SMS's. My initial reaction was ... WOW... this must be some festival or something akin to that. Saying so, I rubbed my eyes and unlocked the unsuspecting message box... Imagine my horror when I saw that a random number had messaged me all these times...
I first thot that this has to be a Aprils fool prank from some friend intent on harassing me and decided to doze off to glory...Even before I could turn my blanket over, propped in message number 9 and sorry to say, when I opened them I was nowhere close to Cloud# 9.... all messages had the same typical message body requestin me to apply urgently to avail of free credit cards and call SHIVA for further details...
Disturbed I woke up and enquired of my friends if sumone had reffered me. NO was the unanimous reply. I hadnt even thought of applying for this card... The bank who was supposedly offering me this card was one I didnt even have an account with... In fact none in my family/friends/ professional circle had any links to this venture...
On returning the message with a curt NO i was subjected to 3 more of the same variety. The only question rattling me was, " Is my personal info so easily accesible to such random people that my whole identity might be taken away?" Am I and my life so unaccountably vain that various databases have shared the info like some hot gossip... Is this happening only to me or is everybody caught up in this trap... Has personal identification theft spread so far as to categorize it as a punishable offence or do we need some people to lose their complete life and its belongings before we smarten up...
Whats the end of this all??? Do they know only my tangible secrets or they know my complete life and history or worse still.. do they know my future too...??? What wud trigger some sort of protection against this blashphemy???
I plan to resort to the Consumer protection act to help me here; but is it real worth the trouble or a mere eye-wash? I dont know but neither do I have many options either. As Gandhiji has said, suffering thru injustice is a bigger crime than commiting injustice.... I have decided to fight against this dastardly methods of business propogation. I hope you too, God forbid, if the time ever comes.....
1 comment:
Wow! u really write so well!
keep it up dude!
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