Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sleepy as Hell

I am so terribly sleepy that I may drop dead on the keyboard. Well, if you smarties out there are gonna suggest that I take a break or sneak a nap, you are getting a snare from me... Cause it would mean that you folks take me to be a dimwit who wouldnt have identified this most commonest of solutions and implemented it by now.

The problem is my boss doesnt sleep at work and consequently we assume we are not allowed either. Moreover, he inherits this Gandhian activity of walking long distances, especially after lunch thereby killing the iota of chance we may have had to catch a few winks.

Coming to think of it: Why does it always happen after lunch? I have always maintained that I dont hog. Kisika Chutta Kisiki Daulat syndrome u see... OK, I pig out on food but then on weekends when I am with friends I dont feel sleepy. Why does thus disaster strike only on weekdays then? GO figure...

Again the tastier the food the greater the urgency and urge to sleep. Wonder if theres any scope for a PhD to establish the hypothesis and relativity between tasty food and sleep... Also find the co-relation between unavailability of sleep when you really yearn for it. We can make it wholesome by adding components like global application of this phenomena.

OK, here are the queries tht can b explained:

Why does sleep strike more hard after lunch than dinner?
Who tells the brain that the tummy just had lunch and not dinner?
How does this sleep strike harder when its more tougher to get it?
What is the best way to prevent the happening of this occurence; especially if you are sure that the boss is gonna b strolling ard?
When shall we overcome our submission to this force of nature?

Am I done with the 5 Y's... Have I kept writing through my boss' trips to my cubicle....
I guess I did...

Till tomorrow; when the pangs of food strike me again and the snakes of sleep girdle ard my eyes.. Khuda Hafiz....


Chaitu.. said...

yeah, this is a fact... good writing skill keeep it up dude :)

punit said...

yawn......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzzzz...yawn.........I dont av a particular time ....I simply keepig on yawning....even if the prof is sitting rite in front of me

Shreyas! said...

Hey... The reason is that can be found on...

Shreyas! said...

Answers: to Shreyas`s Questions

The two most biologically "expensive" organs to run are, in order, the brain and the intestines. When you are digesting a large meal, a lot of the body's blood supply is diverted to around the intestines, both to carry the necessary oxygen to the tissues, and to pick up nutrients passed through into the body. This leaves your limbs feeling a bit heavy, and your brain (without as much of an oxygen supply, as it has been temporarily diverted) a bit sleepy.

EDIT: "Breathing more" does not matter, given that we have a finite number of red blood cells to carry oxygen, and the location of those red blood cells is what changes.

Other Answers:
If they eat junk or unhealthy foods then they will feel weak,tired,and sleepy,but if they eat something like fish or a salad then they will have energy and feel like working out or doing some kind of movement.
i think if you eat a heavy lunch, or something with lots of carbs it can make you sleepy after lunch. I have found that if I eat vegetables, fruits and lean meat I feel pretty good and don't get tired after lunch.
Let's face it, food can make you sleepy.

Change your diet. Different people will give you different opinions on just how to change your diet to improve your energy, but if food makes you tired it's a good bet that food is where the answer is.

Eat low carb food for lunch. You will feel more awake. Post-lunch drowsiness is caused by your body being flooded with insulin to process that carb-rich lunch you just ate.

Alternatively, don't eat meat... at least not for lunch. (not sure why, but people who have been around a while have stated that from their experience, meat makes you tired.)

Avoid caffeine and processed sugars. (Caffeine gives you a energy boost, followed by a crash that is hard to recover from. Processed sugars are too easily absorbed by the body and tend to pass right through you, burning up quickly and leaving your body starved for energy.)

A lunch high in vitamins could help. Vitamins help make your body healthy, and can help you feel healthy and energised.
The consumer health information on is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health, and you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness regimen.

Adiya said...
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Adiya said...

well sleep is a nice biological process and packaged very well with the human kind. :) some are born gifted to sleep when they want and some are booned to get sleep for ever ( kummakaran ) and some are lazy enough to sleep in office hours n not getting sleep in weeksneds( grt8 S.singapore ) :)

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